Radcliff Store
645 Knox Blvd
Radcliff, KY 40160
1PM to 5:00PM
Mon - Fri.
Weekends and Holidays Closed
* include installation of devise drivers and FREE internal cleaning.
Computer is erased and set back to factory settings.
VIRUS REMOVAL * All personal data is saved
* includes antivirus, Microsoft updates, device drivers and FREE internal cleaning.
Computer is erased and set back to factory settings. We cannot save installed programs such as Microsoft Office, so please make this a factor in your decision making. We have the ability to extract your product key for re installing your Office software if you do not have your original disk. Alternative programs are available for FREE.
USB Thumb Drive repair
$80 to restore all of your pictures, documents, music and data.
Same day service available if needed.
A small price to pay for your personal data.
iPhone Screen Replacement
If we don't have the parts in stock you can keep your phone until they arrive, then we can install it within 12 to 24 hours.
Laptop Screen Replacement
Free evaluation on the spot when you bring it in.
Prices and availability made known at the time of check in.
Prices range from $99 to $249.00 including labor.
Small Business Support
Call today for support 270-351-9110
Let us take on your frustrations and resolve your technical issues.
Monthly service plans are available to suite your budget.